ZERO is based on a cooperation with various groups, institutions and individuals. Galleries & Institutions: - WIR e.V. - the German Polish Literature Association - www.wir-edition.de - ART PLAN B - www.art-plan-b.com - Berliner Kunstsalon - www.berlinerkunstsalon.de - Galeria ZERO, Barcelona - www.galeriazero.com - Transmediale, Berlin - www.transmediale.de - Galeria BWA Awangarda - www.bwa.wroc.pl - Centrum Informacji SPAM ART - www.spam.art.pl - Webportal of the Berlin artscene - www.catonbed.de - The Saatchi Gallery - www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk Artists: - Mariola Brillowska (D/PL) - www.mariolabrillowska.de - Szymon Brodziak (PL) - www.saimon.art.pl - Michael Bulgrin (D) - www.bulgrin.de - Centrala Rybna (PL) - centralarybna.prv.pl - The Curators - www.myspace.com/thecuratorsberlin - Waldemar Kremser (PL) - www.artkremser.de/gallery2/main.php - Anna Krenz (PL) - www.annakrenz.net - Jerzy Krenz - www.krenzart.com - Seiji Morimoto (JAP) - http://morimoto.piranho.com - Diana Scheunemann (UK) - www.dianascheunemann.com - Studio Sinus_3 - Sinus_3 Studio - The Magic Carpathians Project (PL) - www.karpatymagiczne.vivo.pl - Twożywo (PL) - www.twozywo.art.pl/ - Marek Wasilewski (PL) - http://free.art.pl/wasilewski/ - Max Willis (USA) - www.maxwillis.net |
Magazines: - Le Monde Diplomatique Polska - www.monde-diplomatique.pl - Online Magazine Spirit - www.spirit-fanzine.de - VICE Magazine - www.viceland.com/germany/ - DIK Fagazine - www.dikfagazine.com - Designspotter - www.designspotter.com - Berlinerpool is an international information and communication platform on art, dedicated to the needs of artists - www.berlinerpool.de/ |